Starters Just In Time For Halloween!

“Did you hear that noise upstairs? I thought we were alone…”

“Stop calling! This isn’t funny anymore!”

“You said a person bit you? Out of the blue??”

“The killer’s behind you!”

“Shit. Are those fangs?”

“Hold on a minute… you can see me? But… nobody can see me.”

“You’re telling me that you bit me, and now I’m going to be a vampire?”

“Hey… I don’t feel so good. One of them scratched me… You don’t think…”

“I should’ve told you sooner… I’m infected.”

“Please don’t kill me! I’ll do anything!”

“Why are your clothes torn up? And why are you covered in blood?”

“Is that blood on your hands?”

“If you’re standing over there… then whose hand is on my shoulder?”

“We’re surrounded by zombies… any way out?”

“If you’re gonna get us out of it, you better do it fast!”

“You mean I’ll never get to see the sun rise again?”

“Let me see the sun rise just one last time… It’ll be my last.”

“Run! Go without me! I’ll be fine!”

“Hey. Stay with me. You’ll be okay. Just keep your eyes open.”

“He/She/They went that way! Don’t follow! Stay with me!”

“But werewolves/zombies/vampires/ghosts don’t exist!”

“You’re telling me you’re a witch/warlock?!”

“What’s in this stuff?”

“I heard a noise. Should we check it out?”