If you take that god damn eyeball out of your head one more time I’m gonna smash it into a million pieces, mister. I don’t care how long it took for you to make it. IT’S GROSS STOP DOING THAT.






[HELP he can’t stop laughing. Fujiko is so pissed right now, his sides hurt. Mature adult , Lupin III.]


-she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she pushed his kissy face away-

Why did I marry such a dork?

[Lupin decided to kiss her inner palm for pushing his face away while he chuckled.]

Because I’m so dashing~

And you love me, of course~

-she just laughs-

I guess you’re right.


And if you’re gonna kiss me, you should at least do it in a romantic way. Like what they do in the movies.

Aahh, but Fujicakes, that’s so cliche and boring~

[Joking, of course. He lightly grabbed her hand to pull from his face and leaned in to rub noses together.]

You deserve more than a fantasy kiss.

-she smiled as he got in close. Despite all the joking, she really did love him-

Is that so~?

Mhm, y’know it, babe~

[He kissed the tip if her nose before simply picking her up with a laugh and a more serious kiss on the lips.]