
What little light there was in the small office-like area reflected off of Lupin’s wicked grin, and to anyone that was there in the dark, his wide smile would have appeared almost floating. A real life Cheshire Cat. Now let’s hope he can escape just as easily. 

He dropped to his hands and knees, crawling across the floor before reaching the next door and slowly opening it, the high pitch creaking sound now met with the click of a gun. He jerked up into a standing position and held up his hands. 

“Alright, you got me. Now what are you going to do with me?” He grinned again. “I just wanted to see what you had- this place looked interesting, but I’ll just walk out, if you let me. No hard feelings.” His eyes sparkled with joy, his lips curling further up.

He’d been lucky to have even managed to point the gun at the intruder, but Lupin always did seem to have a knack for intuition. He gave a little smile of his own, cracking open his left eye even if he still couldn’t see.

He knew the voice well enough. “Lupin the Third, right?” Hardly the first time he’d met another incarnation of himself. Still surprised they kept popping up, but he was done complaining about that.

The world was, surprisingly, big enough after all.

Uh. ‘Lo. Where th’fuck is this?



My fuckin’ car.

Get out.

You’re ruining the upholstery. Does this look like a hobo fiat to you?

[The answer is yes. Yes it probably does.]

Uh. Yeh, at least, somethin’ close to it.


[He’s sort of. Spacing out. And peppered with, inexplicably, a few feathers that fashion designers and traders would pay a high price for. Bright red, and close to eagle-feather length.]

[He squinted more at this guy and the feathers. He peered into the backseat of his car.]

Do you have a bird with you or somethin’? 

Better not have crapped all over my car.