

It seemed to be enough to calm him down along with the other part of him. It gave him a chance to strengthen his own mind’s defense, and he let out a shaky sigh. He’d cry in relief, but he was too tired for that. And he didn’t know how long this would last…but maybe long enough to get better help extracting the demon out of him. 

It was only fleeting. Only a few brief moments before her glow faded and was gone. Dammit. She’d need to practice that more if she wanted it to be actually useful. 

”..I don’ know how t’get a demon out. I don’ even know who t’call for that kinda thing. Uh.. ” She thought for a second or two. Scratched at her head.

”..Are you at all opposed t’me callin’ up an angel t’help?” 

Lupin grimaced some and opened his eyes again to focus on Charlie while she spoke. He shook his head slowly, swallowing a lump in his throat. “No, m’not.” Of course the demon side of him wasn’t going to react pleasantly upon their arrival.

[Gonna offer hers up. Here you go.] Don’ look at my NUDES.

[thank u charlie but he can’t really use the phone very well. BUT HE WILL ATTEMPT.]

Okay, uh….

[Welp gonna awkwardly and slowly type in the phone number]

boredmachine [txt] o n chalie s phone am at clin ic b ut oka y sorry for not cont acting sooner b ad me is around be carefUl this is l upi n bt w




Fujiko was likely not helping, managing a coy smirk as she went to remove his clothing. “Hear that Lupin? Looks like I’ll be playing your nurse this evening.” Said as if it were going to be sexy though it very clearly wasn’t, but hey, talk like that usually made him happy, and he could do with something happy right now.

“I am still in th’room,” she said with a sideways glance. But whatever. If it kept Lupin calm then who cared. Once he was free of his clothing, she could fashion that IV to his wrist. Get the needle in and start the drip. 

“Count backwards from twenty.”

Said simply. She didn’t have much of a bedside manner today. She was frustrated that he’d gotten himself hurt, frustrated that she needed HELP to properly fix him, frustrated about a lot of things. But while he counted, she went to go get what she needed to mix the plaster. She could have Fujiko do that while she actually set to work on setting the bones.

“Alright. Yer job is t’get this shit mixed.” She set down a pot of water and a a bag of the white powder. Had set a roll of bandages nearby too, but they would definitely probably need more. She’d go fetch them in a second. Would also need to find something for appropriate padding. Worth had used a T-Shirt for hers but… four shirts?????? That was a lot of shirts. Maybe she could find an old blanket they didn’t use and tear it up. Yeah.

“Get it so it’s sorta like papier mache consistency, yeah? Yer gonna get dirty though. So don’ half ass it. It’s gotta be done right.” 

Hands went to explore Lupin’s limbs then. Hopefully he was out or well on his way.

Lupin just went even redder with what Fujiko was implying, teasing or not. Goodness. He’d hide his face if he could. But he tried not to think about the pain when jacket and shirt had to be removed from his broken arms, and so on. When the IV was placed in, he bit his lip fairly hard before he tried to count. Didn’t get very far before he started drifting, words slurring together until none at all.

He was out.



Fujiko nodded. “Then we’ll make four casts and put him in a wheelchair. I can help you.” Didn’t sound great, but that’s what they had to do.

When he was done with the water she put it away, laying Lupin’s head back down and petting the side of his face. “You’ll feel much better after you wake up. Okay? And I’ll call Zenigata so he knows where you are.” And definitely not put him in jail.

Right. Okay. Getting down to business then.

Anesthetic was retrieved in the form of an IV, some effort being put forth to get the pole that they had and bring it over to the couch where Lupin lay. Attaching the appropriate bag that she needed. Looked at both Fujiko and Lupin with a bit of mild scrutiny.

“Yer gonna hafta take off all his clothes. Jus’ leave ‘im in ‘is underwear. Everythin’ else needs t’come off though.” 

As pained and delerius he was, that earned a little pinkness to his ears. Welp. Hhh. Oh, well, he’d manage. Not like he could get a boner being stripped by Fujiko in this state anyway. He liked pain but not THIS much.

Blushed harder for even thinking about it. Gosh. Bad thoughts.

He should definitely be arrested.



Water finished, Fujiko turned around, a cool smile on her face. “No, Charlie, I did not think to call. I was primarily concerned with getting him out of there, after finding him in a basement seemingly left to die that was also booby trapped to try to cut me in half. I’ll make sure to make an appointment next time I find my partner maimed. And I imagine he’s crying because his limbs are broken.

She huffed, stepping away to refill the glass. This was stressing her a bit, his state passing the threshold of things she could leave him to handle. And she needed him back to normal to figure out how to prepare for this new Lupin.

She came back with more water, holding him up a bit and pressing it to his lips. “Sssh. Drink this and I’ll call Zenigata, okay?” Needed to let him know what was going on.

She sighed. Fuck’s sake. She didn’t have enough energy for this, but seeing Lupin in that state was fucking painful in more ways than one. But whatever. 

“I’m gonna hafta put ‘im out then. Otherwise he’s gonna feel like he’s dyin’. An’ I dunno what t’do b’sides makin’ fuckin’.. four casts for ‘im an’ puttin’ ‘im in a wheelchair. He won’ be able t’be left alone at all until he gets at least two outta those four limbs healed up.”

Started actually getting some things together. Thankfully she’d JUST LEARNED how to make casts. Considering the one she was sporting. Which brought to mind.. – 

“Ugh. Fuck. Settin’ his bones are gonna be hard. I only really got one hand ‘ere.”

Lupin quieted down and sniffled, drinking some more water and giving a small nod about calling Zenigata. Hearing Charlie talking about resetting his bones and the casts and such sounded awful but, he supposed it was better than what he was dealing with now. He’d be thankful to be knocked out again, honestly.



Fujiko quickly grabbed the glass, hopefully before all the water spilled out so there’d at least be something to give to him.

“You should know that his arms are also broken. Found him tied up in a basement, don’t know how long he’s been there. Delirious so I hardly know the details, other than it might have been another Lupin.”

She turned back to Lupin, holding the glass to his lips so he’d at least have something. “Hush. Just drink this little bit and I’ll get more and something to clean this up with. It’s going to be okay.”



She was slightly heated at this revelation. Sighing and watching as Fujiko made sure that he was actually getting water. But grumbling to herself nonetheless.

“Y’realize that me settin’ all fuckin’ FOUR o’ his limbs is gonna be fuckin’ comparable t’him bein’ run over by a car, right?  An’ that he SHOULD be in a full fuckin’ body cast???? WHICH I DO NOT HAVE AVAILABLE?”

She pinched the bridge of her nose with a groan.

“An’ will you PLEASE tell me why he’s cryin’.” 

Oh, no, now Charlie was mad at Fujiko and it was all his stupid fault for getting into this mess. Yup he’s just going to nearly choke on water and hold back tears even thoiugh his nose was probably already running.

“Just take me to prison, s’wear I belong, guys. I don’t wanna cause any more problems.”

No more fighting please.