
((I already posted the part I actually like about this but here’s the rest of it. Considering going back and keeping FUjiko magenta because that looked neat.

Probably redid Fujiko’s face one million times because I just didn’t want pained/annoyed porn face. Still don’t like it but whatever it’ll do.

Based on nsfw thread with atruegentlemanthief))

If you take that god damn eyeball out of your head one more time I’m gonna smash it into a million pieces, mister. I don’t care how long it took for you to make it. IT’S GROSS STOP DOING THAT.






[HELP he can’t stop laughing. Fujiko is so pissed right now, his sides hurt. Mature adult , Lupin III.]


-she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she pushed his kissy face away-

Why did I marry such a dork?

[Lupin decided to kiss her inner palm for pushing his face away while he chuckled.]

Because I’m so dashing~

And you love me, of course~

-she just laughs-

I guess you’re right.


And if you’re gonna kiss me, you should at least do it in a romantic way. Like what they do in the movies.

Aahh, but Fujicakes, that’s so cliche and boring~

[Joking, of course. He lightly grabbed her hand to pull from his face and leaned in to rub noses together.]

You deserve more than a fantasy kiss.

-she smiled as he got in close. Despite all the joking, she really did love him-

Is that so~?

Mhm, y’know it, babe~

[He kissed the tip if her nose before simply picking her up with a laugh and a more serious kiss on the lips.]